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No Grow Female Facial Hair Remover & Growth Inhibitor is specifically formulated to remove unwanted facial hair from the upper lip, chin, and cheeks. This unique formula helps to neutralise the hair roots to help reduce future growth. It’ll help you present your best face to the world.


- Ideal for fine hair on upper lip, chin and cheeks
- Helps with long term hair removal
- Gentle on skin
- Easily applied at home
- Works on all hair colour and texture, and skin types

If your facial hair is hormonal i.e. course, we recommend first using the Female Facial for 3-months and then transitioning over to the Male Beard for the rest of your course. No Grow is a gentle and easy way to inhibit unwanted hair and should be added to your current hair removal routine.

Pair No Grow Female Facial Hair Remover & Growth Inhibitor with our No Grow Soothing Gel for an even gentler yet more effective experience, especially if you have sensitive skin, as this solution is a topical calming gel and anti-irritant.

During the hair cycle, No Grow reduces the concentration of nutrients to the follicle of the hair. This causes miniaturization of the root so that the hair becomes progressively thinner and softer. With continual use, No Grow will help to reduce hair regrowth.

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